Sunday, December 12, 2004

Christmas Shopping Online

I usually pick up appropriate and unique presents for family throughout the year. This year, I have not been to any art/craft shows (I work on Saturdays) or found anything exciting to grab for anyone. I have been searching online and only found a few things for my sister-in-law. She and my husband are easy to buy for. I want to get my s-i-l these cool Candela Lamps. They sit in a base and can work from that base, or sit on the table alone, looking like glowing candles, without a flame. You can buy a set of four for $70.00 or a set of 10 or $350.00. I think I will start with a set of 4 and see how they work. The other object-de-arte I was considering for my s-i-l was this beautiful die-cut curtain I spied some months ago by Tord Boontje. (check out his chairs on his site!) I fell in love the first time I saw it, along with all his other designs. I noticed his lighting covers were selling at Fireworks. My mother is also an easy buy ... Joy Perfume by Jean Patou - a distinctive blend of jasmine, Bulgarian Rose, ylang-ylang, and tuberose. It is heaven in a bottle. She has worn it since I was 15 years old. My dad bought if for her every Christmas and now that he is gone, I make that purchase.

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