Thursday, November 11, 2004

Colors floating on air

This has been a spectacular fall in the Northwest. My tortureous hour commute has turned a joy adventure of color, anticipating floating leaves at stop lights or driving down a street lined with trees of golden glow. We have not had the big wind or rain to sweep all the colors from the limbs. I wish it would stay like this for months.



  1. Yeah..but...the only constant is change,,,I just try to get by that one too, and you know, it never changes, it always does!

  2. Anonymous11:59 AM

    Wow, my students love your pictures; it makes them ask science questions.

  3. gosh Anonymous - that is a real compliment ... i hope they saw the macro flower ones .)

  4. Hello, This is my first time on your blog. Do you prefer this to reading?

    I love this, the colors, the theme, and everything about it.

    I would like to visit again if you feel a countervisit will not be too much of your time...


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