Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Andrew Zuckerman and his exquisite flower show

This popped into my email this morning from A Way To Garden. Andrew Zuckerman's exploding Foxtail. Is amazing. More of his work his The Flower Book. More about his work on brain pickings.
Foxtail from Andrew Zuckerman Studio on Vimeo.

Monday, November 26, 2012


Eating them (the safe ones) or just admiring them. I just love mushrooms!


As seen in the parking lot the other day. More at BioDivLibrary and on Pinterest.

Textile Toadstools By Mister Finch found via Pinterest. Aren't those adorable?

Sprouting Mushroom Ornament for $48.00 at terrain.

Friday, November 23, 2012


I keep forgetting to take photos of them. 

Good Morning, Robin Layton

As predicted, my eyes popped open at 4:30a so I wouldn't miss Robin and Tony Bennett on GMA. I am so thrilled. Book creator Lisa Erspamer and her adorable sidekick, Lily were there and snapped this of the segment. 

Here is Tony Bennett's letter to his dog, Happy. 

'A Letter to My Dog': Celebs Pay Tribute to Their Furry Friends on GMA/Yahoo. 

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Robin Layton on GMA

I have been trying not to be overly excited all day.  But then Robin called and said, "I am here"  (NY) and my heart beat a little faster. My best travelin' buddy, Robin Layton, will be on Good Morning America, 8am, Friday morning, promoting A Letter to My Dog. You know, the book that our Pixel has a page? Well, even if Pixel wasn't in the book, I am be sooooo proud of this gorgeous, heart-warming book by Kimi Culp, Lisa Erspamer and Robin. Please tune-in and watch Tony Bennett and Robin in the morning. It is going to be sooooo exciting. Good Luck, Robin!

Tony Bennett's "Happy"

Pixel's page

Happy Thanksgiving

I can't think of any other image in my house that says thankful more than Pebbles. She sits on the back on my mom's chair and watches me work at the computer. She is such a funny little soul. 

We are having a laid back Thanksgiving. Mom and I might make our way to ER if she is not feeling better later today. While Bri and David take on the cooking. David has made the pies ;) Maybe it should be a *dessert first* day. Thinking of years back, celebrating this day with friends and family. Wishing everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving! xoxox

Happy Thanksgiving

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Christy Kinard

Christy Kinard's flowers make me smile. She makes me smile. Makes me want to make my own flowers. Making websites lately, makes me want to focus on flowers more and more ;) I don't know why it is so hard for me to follow my dreams ... ;) And step away from the computer.



This is Edmonds. Under water. ;0 We have has so much rain that it is amazing, scary, depressing ... and looks like more is on the way today. But at least it is NOT Sandy and my heart aches for those with homes destroyed and lives put on hold.

Friday, November 16, 2012


I have been lusting after this box wall organizer from Urban Outfitters for months to display my dirt collection. I have not bought anything is so long and today I said, "just do it". And I did. ;) With free shipping and a promotional coupon I found online, I even saved some money. 

It feels too soon to be jazzed about Christmas, I mean, really, my pumpkins are still rotting on the front stairs. But then I didn't realize Thanksgiving was next week. YIKES! So get in the winter mood, go over and be inspired by Sweet Paul Magazine

When the plumber was here, I had to packed up and move all of my miniature chair collection. Honestly, sometimes I forget it is even down in the sewing room. But HOW delighted I am when I rediscover it.

There are a few other's out there with my little chair obession.

Barbara Hartsfield has a 3,000 chair collection!  I really wish I had a couple on bottles.

Lazy Miniature Chair by Fresh West. 

Then I  discovered, Tom, Miniature Chair Man! Hello, Tom! You are my kind of collector.

Miniature Chairs! For sale. And I can hardly look at's mini designer chairs without breaking into a sweat.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


On the way back from the airport (we love having Ruth here) ... mom and I decided to get haircuts. I can't believe how it has been since I had a hair cut.

 Hey, how much do I love this kid? He is the best son and I thank my lucky stars everyday for him. 

We have decided to have a neighborhood holiday party this year. Bri and I delivered invites door to door today. I really miss doing these kids of fun little jobs. This gives me a couple of weeks to get my house clean. Wish me luck. ;)

In luv with Luvocracy

I was asked to participate in a new social media platform called Luvocracy. Instead of searching online shop all over the internet for products and shopping ideas, like Pinterest format, you can browse in one convenient location, find recommendations of great stuff from people you "trust". The other very cool and simple aspect is ... you can purchase directly from Luvocracy and they make the purchase on your behalf. And for those who have recommended that item, you also get a small percentage of the sale.

"A new marketplace around the explosion in social sharing. We do that by creating a way for people to buy recommendations from people whose taste they trust. And we build that into an economy by allowing everyone to participate in the value that they create." 

Go have a look at my recommendations so far at Luvocracy

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Pixel is becoming famous!

A Letter to My Dog (my pet {pardon-the-pun} project) has been featured in People Magazine, Cesar's Way Holiday Gift Guide, and Bark Magazine. I am waiting for Ellen and the Today Show ... can't be far behind. What should Pixel wear for her interview? 

Sunday, November 11, 2012


I am MIA the last couple of weeks. 

It is the time of year that every little rotting weed catches my attention with it's skeletal appearance. Looking at the bones that were just green and lush. 

I have started a Snowflake Pinterest board. I think it was the sudden shift in the weather makes me long for now.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Sunday, November 04, 2012

Gray Matter

I worked on a template for Rick yesterday. Templates are hard, but then I get to do anything, any design, any logo treatment I want. ;) And that makes it fun.

Saturday, November 03, 2012



More beautiful afterlife

Adorable illustrations by Pati Aguilera

Helped Tara with her Etsy banner

Applying for jobs and rewriting my resume (again). 

Making dog food. 

Running errands with mom.

Getting Jeep fixed.