I had a trump voodoo doll years ago and gave it to the dog to chew up. I think I am going to make a new one to get me through the coming years. I am finding it hard not to be an angry white woman. So I have been avoiding people. 

My biological dad died the other day.

I finally got Covid. I had dinner with friends, who also had invited some other friends ... and we all got Covid. I shared mine with Matt. So far, everyone else has been Covid-free. 

I am out of F words. I am speechless of what we just witnessed in the oval office.

Well, it has been an eventful couple of weeks! I am trying my best to keep my head above water and not drown in depression or anger.


I think about blogging everyday but then I get wrapped up in the news and the mess going on, musk and his minions delving into our financial data. I am up in arms and then I feel so down I can hardly think. I have ventured into some pretty dark places of rumble or comments from the right.


FB post this morning: Packed you underwear, Dramamine. Grab your barf bag. We are traveling to earth two for four years, or what I call The Twilight Zone of lies and grift  

I hear the cult are booing former presidents. It’s like we are in the middle of one of those pay-to-view, fake WWE shows.


Amy Genser works with paper, paint, metal and wood to explore her obsession with texture, pattern, and color. Evocative of natural forms and organic processes, her work is simultaneously irregular and ordered.

One week of sanity left. I am trying to enjoy waking not and not checking if he has started some random war or nuked some country that he wants to buy. 

I watched the wild fire news until I could emotionally take anymore. Then turned back to mind-numbing Hallmark mystery movies.


Freeland Tanner takes tramp art practices to otherworldly heights. I love the simplicity of traditional tin art and the complexity of Tramp Art.

Textile artist, Vanessa Barragão is dedicated to the creation of tapestries using a variety of techniques. Her artwork combines using ancestral techniques of latch hooking, crochet, weaving, knitting, basketry, and felting.

So I just watched trump's unhinged presser about greenland, panama canal, and changing gulf of mexico to gulf of america. The man is insane. Then zuck saying he is getting rid of fact-checkers. 

Trying to figure out how to stay sane.

The kids left a bunch of rice out over night and I threw it out because it was like a rock. But it made me think about what my mom would have said and done about that. A child of a depression parent, and at growing up really poor she would tell me now they 'made-do" with many things.


We gathered at Christmas, had one big family/friend dinner and then Santa delivered the flu and we all went down hard. My S-I-L, Kate left early but it did not save her. She is back in New Mexico, sick. Sorry, Kate. 

But we did have a wonderful few days of shopping and Christmas before the illness.


luluxmus gingerlulu hululumas hothulu lulucracker spookylulu lulutrick tangboo 

I got this text from Mason. I think that sums up the last few days perfectly. My very talented writer, sister-in-law, Kate, here for Christmas and we are enjoying some quality, crazy family time together.

The world is upside down now. What is wrong and what is right, flipped.


Cleaning would probably be easier if I did it more often. We have been demon cleaning, trying to get a few rooms acceptable for human inhabitance. The thing that gets me is that when I do start cleaning, I get mad.

I am going to start off with something interesting. Last night, talking with my bestie who lost her son years ago. It is coming up to a hard time of year for her. She has a friend who is a medium and through him she has been in contact with her son for some time.

David Edwards current painting method makes use of frequent building-up and scraping-back of the wet paint layers. This technique allows for a good deal of accidental mark-making, and adds depth and movement to the images.

I had a phone meeting with the Fidelity financial advisor today. I had requested a meeting to go over what possible financial shit show was about to happen to us. Of course, they were soothing me, saying all investments I had were very safe (bland ... which is what I prefer) and not to worry.


Irina Zaytceva exotic ceramics. Her art has the hint of Edmond Dulac children's illustrations, the color and subjects matter, or T. Blakeley Mackenzie in the ornate and details or my favorite, Kay Nielsen in the opulence and color palette.


Sean William Randall is a Canadian-born visual artist.

Jesse Krimes is a multimedia artist whose work explores societal mechanisms of power and control with a focus on criminal and racial justice. While serving a six-year prison sentence he produced and smuggled out numerous bodies of work, established art programs, and co-created artist collectives.

Thanksgiving was good here. It is just hard to get our heads around that David is not here, standing behind anyone cooking saying: Well, if I were doing it, I would do it like this ... LOL. We missed him all day. And Bri and I reminisced about how mom cooked all day while her bracelets jangled.

Sometimes I think I am losing my mind.

Michael McGrath is an American artist living in the village of Rhinebeck in New York's Hudson Valley. And his Instagram.



I am trying to keep this my happy zone and NOT the politics that keep me riled up all day. I mean ... Dr Oz! What cabinet position is Phil getting for kissing-his-ass-interview? But really can not ignore this Oklahoma/trump bible story (video below) ... it's just too good.

Paul Evans is one of our most successful landscape painters at work in Britain today. His unique and original style has evolved over an artistic career of 45 years and reflects his infectious joy at recording and learning from nature.


Khatija Possum Nampijimpa is a standout in a proud and prominent family of leading Aboriginal artists, all of whom are descended from Clifford Possum, the founder of the Modernist Movement in Australia’s Central Desert.

This is stunning! Sino-french Science Park Church / Shanghai Dachuan Architects! "In the context of France and China established diplomatic relations, a Sino French agricultural science and technology park will be built in Chengdu.

I just texted my friend telling her how angry I am. How I felt I had PSTD from the previous 4 years of trump but I had David to level out my anger.


Volker Hermes, and his Instagram 

Ten years in the making, Hidden Portraits reinterprets historical paintings through a modern lens.

Margot Glass grew up in New York City, and studied art at The Art Students' League, Brown University, Rhode Island School of Design, and Fashion Institute of Technology. Her work explores the ephemeral through still life, nature and botany. She currently lives and works in Western Massachusetts.

Thomas Jefferson — 'The government you elect is the government you deserve.' And we deserve exactly what we are about to get. 

Especially the Arabs who wouldn't vote for Harris. I bet jared and trump are on the phone right now finalizing the Gaza beachfront condo development scheme.

Albert Bierstadt (January 7, 1830 – February 18, 1902) was a German American painter best known for his lavish, sweeping landscapes of the American West. He joined several journeys of the Westward Expansion to paint the scenes.

Did I mention that I fell and thought I had broken my arm. Picking up Noah at school, had to ask people for help getting up because I could not put pressure on my wrist. Well, it has been over a week and it is feeling better ... but still aching, not broken.
